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Subaru of Moncton

1050 Aviation Ave, Dieppe, NB, E1A 9A3
Dealership hours of operation
Mon - Fri 8:30am - 6:00pm
Sat 9:00am - 3:00pm
Sun closed
Dealership hours of operation
Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm
Sat - Sun closed
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Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm
Sat - Sun closed

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How to Change the Battery in a Subaru Smart Key Fob

How to Change the Battery in a Subaru Smart Key Fob

One of the essential components of your car is the key fob. It's important to have a full battery in your fob as you could lose access to your car if the fob's battery runs out. Changing the battery to your Subaru key fob is extremely simple and only requires a few easy steps.

The Three Steps to Changing the Battery

Before you change the battery for your key fob, ensure you have the required parts. You will need a CR2032 battery as a replacement. You will also need a flathead screwdriver.

1.Open the Key Fob

Start by pressing the small silver button on the back of the key fob to remove the key blade from its slot. Use the screwdriver to push the back off by inserting it into the empty slot next to the slot that held the key blade. Remove the chip that holds the battery from the key fob. Be extremely careful with it, and try not to touch the green side as it's quite delicate.

2.Replace the Battery

The battery will be held in place by four small black tabs. You will want to place your screwdriver under the battery between the two external black tabs. The battery should easily pop out. You will then be able to place your new battery in the same way the old one was positioned in that empty spot with the plus sign facing up.

3.Close the Key Fob

You will need to put the chip component back in place. Ensure the battery is facing up and is closest to the button that releases the key blade. Once the chip is flush in place, put the back cover back on and make sure the key blade release button is properly in place through the designated hole. Once the key fob cover is clipped together, put the key blade back in, and you're all set!

Contact Us for More Information

At Subaru of Moncton, we strive to keep you informed on all details of owning a Subaru. Contact us for more information on how to care for your vehicle and for help with all aspects of Subaru vehicle ownership.

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